Friday, September 5, 2008

do you agree?

i feel that todays world is blindly searching for something which actually doesnt at all exist in the world. it exists in ones own inner self.
i have a joint family, n i feel, sometimes we become so insensitive towards our own relatives, for the sole reason that we start thinking of our own individual happiness. we start believing that whatever money we have for example, or the resources we have, are created by ourselves.we forget that it is just a role given to us,to play , n this money is a part of that role, not of our own self.
we start thinking of our happiness by making people around us down. whereas we should think that until n unless we make everyone around us happy, until n unless we make our souls happy, we wont be able to become happy from inside.
we stop compromising on small small things, for our materialistic happiness. n its there that we seclude ourselves from everyone thinking that we can be happier alone. its then that we start dividing ourselves, or to say, disuniting ourselves.
we stop looking at those actual happiness that we get in a family. we stop sharing the emotions or feelings of people around us. we become dead to our own self.
also, the only thing, i feel which can bind a family together is love,i feel. n love is not taking,but giving. n actually when we experience it we will feel that we get more happiness in giving than in getting.
n hence this phenomenon totally discards any boundations or expectations from someone whom you love. because one would obviously want the person whom one loves to be happy, in whichever way.
if we understand this basic phenomenon of love n family, we can make the whole world a family. n all we will have to do is, share their feelings n emotions, share love, n experience the only truth which exists in all of us, which is God.
in practice it may seem difficult, n impractical, but if we start thinking beyond our own selves, beyond just our own needs n happiness, we would start our journey on the road to oneness.
n then, the principle of vasudhaiv kutumbkam would definitely come true.

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