Tuesday, October 14, 2008

help me..

Finally the time has come when im writing something which I had been pushing out since a last few days. Its strange some time to think of the world that we are living in. What are we thinking is happening, and what actually is happening. N the best thing is, none of us cares.

Serial blasts one after the other is becoming so common that now people hardly think of it. Once I remember Raju Srivastava (stand-up comedian) narrating the same kind of incident in his comedy script. Co-incidentally, it has come true.

What are we breeding in young minds? Now people hardly care if a blast occurs. So many movies are being made, so many awareness programs are being run, but is the Indian Mass paying heed?

A few days back, at L-18 , Jamia Nagar, a few students were caught as terrorist. Some of them were butchered and some jailed. Some lucky ones got opportunity to run away. The vice chancellor Jamia University says, they were kids, and shouldn’t be prosecuted. If we think on his point of view, he is totally right. Juvenile minds can be molded to any form. They can be made terrorist, as well as they could be made saint. Its upto us how we want to see them as. Talking about those two students who ran away, what other choice do they have except for being a terrorist? Even if they weren’t terrorist, do they have a choice. N if they were, n want to change, do they have a choice?

A person tagged as terrorist has no choice, other than becoming a real “khoonkhar” terrorist. Imagine yourself at the place of that person who has done nothing. Who has just done one crime, that he has taken birth in a house of a muslim. What would you feel when people tag you as a terrorist? How many people would you tell, that you are not a terrorist. In the end you will also have only one choice.

This controversy is not started actually by hindus or muslims. Today they might tag a muslim as terrorist, tomorrow, to increase their vote banks, it would be something else. It might be whole of Uttar Pradesh for instance, tagged as terrorist. And the common man, would believe it then too. Because the common man had a body, has a shape, has brains, but doesn’t have eyes. He is blind.

Talking about common mans blindness, I would like to mention here, that has ever the common man realized, what actually is happening. Muslims all over the world are becoming the supreme power. They are spreading like fire all over. And due to this cheap politics played by some corrupt ministers, muslims all over the world, are becoming one across the boundaries. Muslims now don’t belong to any country or state. They consider to be called just as muslims. Wherever you find, Indian forum, American forum, Russian forum, there would be a separate forum for muslims.

And if we observe more minutely, then it’s the muslims who are actually ruling the world. Whether it be muslims from Saudi, who owns oil wells and are the only source of income for American banks, or from Israel, who has so much power, that it even can shake America. Muslims are everywhere. And their principle is something which we all should learn.

Nobody in todays world is united. Every nation wants to take over the other nation. Every nation wants to become capable to fight the rest of the world. But nobody is thinking of unity. Only muslims are thinking of it. They are already working on it. That is the reason why a muslim is never an Indian or afghan or Israeli. He is just a muslim.

I don’t know what the future has in store for us. Neither do I want to predict.

But surely it disturbs my mind, that we human beings, have divided ourselves so much, that we ourselves are paving way for our end.

Cant we just remain human beings. The same “homo sapiens” that used to be. Why do we have to have different religion or different nations or any boundaries at all. Why cant we be just one?

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