Friday, May 20, 2011

Happy Birthday..

moments go by, seasons pass away those trees standing tall and strong..quietly turned grey where leaves took years to fall and whose shelter shadowed many dismayed those trees once tall and strong..quietly turned grey whose vicinity used to be a celebration whose presence enlightened each day those trees fighting their destiny..quietly turned grey they fall..they weep they become hollow and weak dried up and sucked up..for standing tall..slowly painfully turned grey yet life moves on and sadly reminds us each day the love and care with which the trees were made quietly turned grey the smoke, the suffocation the burns and its remains wish..could be perished with the tree..quietly burning each day..till our grey ashes are burnt away.. n yet in its memory aching hearts would one day bleed to say if the tree would have been there..this would have been the most special day.. to a dead tree..from a few dead memories.. happy birthday

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फटे पुराने पन्नों से झाँकती ज़िंदगी

जिन उंगलियों को पकड़ कर चलना सीखा जिन कंधों पर बैठ कर दुनिया देखी आज वो उंगलियाँ बूढ़ी हो चलीं हैं और कंधे झुके-झुके से दिखते हैं उन आँखों म...