Thursday, April 21, 2011

Her eyes were closed,but a smal droplet was twinklng around d corner.tht didnt afect d moon though,but thr was slightly less grace tht usd to adorn her.d silenc too ws scared n shivrng,d nyt ws damp for her pains.every1 knew he wnt come bak again.he ws gone forever.leavng her behind wth d everlastng darkness.a faint sound of a calm ocean,which lost its roar in respect, to her feelngs.jst sum splashs of watr,washng her irrepairable sins.d whole eternity lamenting for few more breaths she was left with to thr nethng left to care for?is thr nethng left to feel?

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जिन उंगलियों को पकड़ कर चलना सीखा जिन कंधों पर बैठ कर दुनिया देखी आज वो उंगलियाँ बूढ़ी हो चलीं हैं और कंधे झुके-झुके से दिखते हैं उन आँखों म...