Tuesday, March 3, 2009

im quitting blogging for a few days..
let new thoughts come in..
let me catch fresh breath..
let my mind n my mood set in for a change..
past has overshadowed my present..
i dont want it to cage my future..
let me find new words..new songs..new life..
let me overcome this feeling of dissatisfaction..
let this helplessness cease..
let me find new means to live life..
enough of moh..
enough of sentiments..
let me get to ground now..n do something for myself..
amen !!


  1. dude come back on the blogging scene.. u r the few people i read the blog of.....

  2. send me ur number dude...


फटे पुराने पन्नों से झाँकती ज़िंदगी

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